What is the role of the Congressional Black Caucus?

The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is a political organization within the United States Congress composed of African American members of Congress.

Established in 1971, the CBC has been influential in advocating for the interests of African Americans and addressing issues related to civil rights, social justice, and economic equality.

Here’s an overview of its role and functions:

Advocacy for African American Interests:

  1. Legislative Advocacy:
    • The CBC works to advance legislative agendas and policies that address the concerns and priorities of African American communities, including civil rights, criminal justice reform, healthcare access, education, economic empowerment, and social welfare programs.
  2. Policy Formation:
    • Members of the CBC collaborate on drafting and promoting legislation that aims to address systemic inequalities and promote opportunities for African Americans.

Community Engagement and Outreach:

  1. Constituent Engagement:
    • The CBC engages with constituents, community leaders, and advocacy groups to understand and address the needs of African American communities across the country.
  2. Public Awareness and Education:
    • Members of the CBC often participate in community forums, town hall meetings, and educational initiatives to raise awareness about issues impacting African Americans and promote civic engagement.

Coalition Building and Influence:

  1. Building Alliances:
    • The CBC collaborates with other caucuses, lawmakers, and advocacy organizations to build coalitions aimed at addressing broader issues of racial justice, social equity, and diversity.
  2. Policy Impact:
    • The CBC leverages its collective influence to push for legislation, influence committee assignments, and advocate for policies that benefit African American communities.

Congressional Oversight and Influence:

  1. Oversight and Accountability:
    • CBC members serve on various congressional committees, providing oversight to ensure that legislative initiatives and government programs consider the needs and concerns of African Americans.
  2. Advocacy within Congress:
    • The caucus works to raise awareness of African American issues among fellow lawmakers and advocates for policies that address systemic inequalities.


The Congressional Black Caucus serves as a platform for African American members of Congress to collectively address issues impacting African American communities.

Through legislative advocacy, community engagement, coalition building, and oversight efforts, the CBC plays a crucial role in advocating for policies and initiatives aimed at promoting racial equality, justice, and opportunities for African Americans within the United States.
