The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a long-standing and complex dispute that involves issues of land, identity, religion, security, and human rights.

It has been the source of violence, suffering, and instability in the Middle East for decades.
Here are some web search results that can help you learn more about the history and current situation of the conflict:
- What’s the Israel-Palestine conflict about? A simple guide: This article from Al Jazeera provides a concise overview of the origins and developments of the conflict, from the Balfour Declaration in 1917 to the recent escalation in 20231.
- The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: A chronology: This article from The Washington Post presents a timeline of key events and milestones in the conflict, from the creation of Israel in 1948 to the latest war between Israel and Hamas in 20232.
- Security Council: Managing Israel-Palestine conflict ‘no substitute for a real political process’: This article from UN News reports on the latest briefing by the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process to the Security Council, where he urged delegates to focus on ending the occupation and achieving the two-State solution3.
- Why the United Nations is stuck on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: This article from CNN explains why the UN has been unable to play a more effective role in resolving the conflict, due to the veto power of some of its permanent members and the lack of consensus among its members4.
How many people have died in this conflict?
The exact number of people who have died in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is difficult to determine, as different sources may have different definitions and methods of counting casualties.
However, based on some of the web search results that I found, here are some estimates:
- According to data gathered by B’Tselem, an Israeli human-rights organisation, between December 9th 1987 and April 30th 2021, the conflict claimed 13,969 lives. Fully 87% of the dead were Palestinian. The recent violence brings the total to over 14,0001.
- According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), between 2008 and 2020, 5,600 Palestinians and 250 Israelis died in the conflict, while 115,000 Palestinians and 5,600 Israelis were injured2.
- According to Al Jazeera, in the latest war between Israel and Hamas in 2023, which lasted for 11 days in May, at least 256 Palestinians, including 66 children and 39 women, were killed in Gaza. In Israel, 13 people, including two children and a soldier, were killed by rockets fired by Palestinian armed groups3.
These numbers are tragic and heartbreaking. They show the human cost of the conflict that has been going on for decades.
I hope that one day, peace and justice will prevail in the region.
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